The Cluts Guide to Using Power Tools Safely

Maybe they didn’t have “shop classes” in your school. There’s no need to feel like you’re alone. In fact that’s the whole point in writing this to you. There are hundreds of guys (and gals) out there who suddenly find themselves in a position to:–Pay out thousands of dollars for simple home projects, or–Join the ranks of “do-it-yourselfers.Once you step out on faith and join that second elite group you may find yourself in a self-imposed panic attack! What have I done, you may think. You‘ve stuck the proverbial foot in your mouth and now you have to deliver!Okay, before you continue in panic mode first things first. The first place to start is having the right tool for the job. You do not want to remove the striker plate from your front door with a nail file! It just isn’t going to happen!You may have bought a beautiful coffee table book or even a handy online ebook to learn how to “fix stuff.” But, if you don’t have the right tool for the (more…)