WOODWORKING...in action!!! DVD video Magazine issue 2 Jan 2006

In this issue we take you to a unique shop in the Catskill Mountains of New York, where truly fabulous furniture is made from unlikely materials by Steve Heller and to the backwoods of Kentucky for the first part of a series on windsor chairmaking, by David Wright. Safety and efficiency are two really important concerns for every woodworker, and there is no one better qualified than Kelly Mehler to explain how to avoid kickback accidents on the tablesaw, or Dennis Collins to demonstrate a brand new approach to frame-and-panel construction. And whatever your woodworking bent, you need sharp tools. Almost no area of woodworking is so mysterious as sharpening, so let Harrelson Stanley share some of the secrets of waterstone use. In addition to these great features that you will return to time-and-time again, you will also find regular departments, such as Reviews, where we not only keep abreast of the best in books and videos, but where we also get to meet the ac (more…)

WOODWORKING...in action!!! DVD video Magazine issue 3 Apr 2006

As well as a close look at a cabinetmaking technique for producing frame-and-panel doors, shown by Marc Adams, issue three of WOODWORKING . . . in action ! ! ! focuses on some traditional areas of woodworking that have been brought up to date in the contemporary shops of Brian Boggs, one of the leading ladderback chairmakers in the country, and Dwayne McKinley Colp, who demonstrates a modern method of breadboarding. Dulcimer making is another area of traditional woodworking that has progressed far from the original nailed boxes, as Warren May shows us, although the exquisite carving produced by master carver Georgette Kadgen is rooted firmly in tried-and-true methods learned in Europe. In addition to these great features that you will return to time-and-time again, you will also find regular departments, such as Reviews, where we not only keep abreast of the best in books and videos, but where we also get to meet the actual author, in this issue, none other than the (more…)

WOODWORKING...in action!!! DVD video Magazine issue 1 Oct 2005

In this first issue we visit the shops of great woodworkers and teachers like Marc Adams, who shares some of the secrets of efficient drawermaking, and Paul Schürch, one of the finest and most sought-after veneer artists, who demonstrates the process of veneering panels with filetti. We also spend some close-up time with Nora Hall, one of the best carvers in the country, as she takes us step-by-step through the process of carving what is probably one of the quintessential icons of American furniture: the Newport shell. And when it comes to turning techniques, there are few better teachers than Alan Lacer, who shows us how to use the skew: one of the more useful tools for any turner. WOODWORKING . . . in action!!! also aims to bring you unusual aspects of woodworking, such as the tour in this issue of the Stuart Spector world-class bass-guitar making shop. In addition to these great features that you will return to time-and-time again, you will also find re (more…)