The Traditional Bowyer’s Bible, Volume 3 (Paperback)

The Traditional Bowyer's Bible, Volume 3

From Library Journal

Released in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively, this trio provides a remarkably in-depth analysis of the bow from its construction to its correct use. Numerous types of bows and arrows from all over the world are discussed by leading experts in the field. The emphasis here is on the history of these weapons and methods for building them from scratch, just as they were made before the advent of firearms. Though this might not find a huge audience, it is nonetheless an excellent series. Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Many archers and bowhunters will be surprised to learn that a wooden bow, whose ancestry dates back thousands of years, will shoot an arrow as fast and as effectively as the most modern fiberglass-laminated bows. Never before have such detailed instructions been available for the home craftsman, with information on how to make fine bows and arrows from natural materials. The authors thoroughly explai (more…)